Central Instrument Facility

The central instrumentation facility (CIF) of the college is equipped with sophisticated equipment needed for basic and advanced research in Pharmaceutical sciences like UV-Visible Spectrophotometer (UV3000), Spectrophotofluorimeter (RF5301 Pc), BOD Incubator,Nephlo Turbidity Meter, Digital Photocolorimeter, Digital pH Meter, Digital Conductivity Meter, Karl Fischer Autotritimeter, Double Distillation Unit, Binocular Microscope, Digicam Microscope, Trinocular/Phase Contrast Microscope, Bath Sonicator, Tap Density Apparatus, Membrane Filtration Unit, Microwave Oven, Centrifuge Machine, Vortex Mixer(Touch Type)Deep Freezer, HPLC with variable wavelength detector (Ultimate 3000), Photostability Chamber (Ti – 910) etc.Sophisticated sensitive analytical instruments are installed at centrally located air conditioned laboratory. At present the facility is being availed by M. Pharm. students and faculties of the college for their respective research activities. Instruments are being used by B. Pharm. students during their regular practical.